Achieve Greater Self-Sufficiency
Operating since 2010
Cabin Mountain Living Center was established to provide opportunities for young men and women with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other neuro-developmental disorders to achieve the highest levels of self-sufficiency possible, based on their individual capabilities. The living environment is a safe and structured community setting where residents receive support and guidance from mentors, life coaches and other staff members on a daily basis.
We provide gender specific housing with some bedrooms being singles and some being doubles. There are several large common spaces where residents work on crafts, art projects, academic pursuits, cook together as a family, play games, and develop social skills. There are 2, 2 bedroom apartments attached to the main living center, with our support center in between the living areas. In this support center is our Neuro-Feedback center where clients receive Neuro Feedback throughout the week. There is a workout room and a library space onsite. There are also several private spaces for residents to utilize when they need some time away. The Old Mill Campus is also 100 yards from a community recreation center, which can be utilized by our residents.
The residents of Cabin Mountain Living Center attend weekly life skills sessions with our certified life coaches instructing them in areas such as Job Training, Household Management, Health and Nutrition, Budgeting, Managing Leisure Time, and Social Skills. Each resident completes a skills assessment upon arrival and then develops an individual growth plan. Training and support are provided based on his or her unique needs. The residents practice implementing life skills daily by going to work, managing their schedules, taking care of their households, caring for animals, etc. They also participate in community service projects and community sponsored events. We are truly immersed in our community. During their Life Skills Sessions, they also receive Neuro Feedback.
Neuro Feedback Brain Training
One of the services we offer at Cabin Mountain is the opportunity for our clients to participate in Neuro Feedback. We have partnered with an industry leading company to train, support and give oversight. We have been with Symmetry for over 2 years now and our clients are seeing some great results. Follow the link below to Symmetry’s website and an Interview with Dianne Costo and Angie Shockley about Neuro Brain Training at Cabin Mountain.
We have been blessed to acquire a farmstead campus for Cabin Mountain Living Center. The property consists of approximately 11 acres that run along the Dry Fork River in Harman, WV. There are four buildings on the property as well as farmland and garden spaces. There is a large farmhouse, a working gristmill, a retreat center, and a cabin on the property. The entire property has been listed on the Register of Historic Places. The former owners (the Bucher Family) grew up on the property with their father as the physician who operated the Mountain Clinic onsite. He was a very kind man and was revered in the community. He delivered Angie Shockley when she was born, and most of her generation! He provided medical services in the community of Harman for over 20 years. After Dr. and Mrs. Bucher passed away, the siblings contacted us to see if we were interested in purchasing the property for Cabin Mountain as they felt it deserved to go to a higher purpose. We agreed, and our residents are doing fantastic there!
Thank you for inquiring into our young adult programs. We hope by now you have had a chance to review our website and learn a bit about who we are and what we do. If you would like to learn more about our program, we invite you to call us directly and speak with our Admissions and Marketing Director:
Anngela Starnes
- Phone: 304-704-6383
- Email:
Please feel free to also review and complete our admissions packet by clicking on the link above.
When we receive the application, we will conduct an initial call with the young adult who will be attending the program or a trusted family member. We will take the information on the application, have a staff and clinical review and determine which Q&A program the young adult is most appropriate for.
If we believe that we should move forward, we will have a final call with the young adult who will be attending the program. This call may be with our Admissions Director and/or other key staff. (clinician, life coach, program director) The purpose of the call is to discuss specifics about our program and the client’s goals, strengths and challenges. If after this call all parties are in agreement that our program is a good match for the client, we will arrange for a tour if needed. We will then also decide on an admission date that works for everyone involved.